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Sunday, 12 April 2009


Any one wants to earn money from online without any deposit or any investment?

I have many useful tips.We can use internet to earn money with enjoy.

Just give a time along other work.But do not stop other work.Fix a time daily to use internet.It is my routine.To earn money from online.
Atfirst you should make one gmail id.Have you any gmail id?Please go to then click on the create an account then make one
gmail id.Then u can make a website/blog .If u want to make a free
website please go to follow all the next steps.And
choose a subject for your website.Now u should write some contents
related to ur site.Now go to adsense.To go to Adsense type in your browser then Enter.And fillup the form
completely.Now wait and see.Check your gmail.Now you can visit your
site.After a few days your adsense account will be actvated.Then you
will get some code from the adsense account by clicking get ads and you
should follow some steps.Then you should place this code to your
website.After a few minutes you can u see some links showing ads by
google on you website.When a user click this link you will get paid. Never click on these ads on your own website otherwise your adsense account will be disableda.

Later I will publish the secrete of more earning.


Teknaf said...

I am also Teknaf try this one

Anonymous said...

another details about this things here: